Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sunday, August 24, 2008

sllep to child

sleep to child

Ayurveda is the essence of old Hindu Medicare techniques, which are based on the curing the diseases from the roots. In Ayurveda, whole body is supposed as a mutually responding system. A single part not responding well may cause a disturbance in all body. Ayurveda works for the aim of complete health.

Allopathic techniques are based on the concept of sudden and instantaneous relief, so often the patient get rid of his problem for a short period, but the origin of disease is not eliminated, finally there comes the probability in future for that origin to be worse. Allopathic techniques uses antigen that introduces a chemical, heaving opposite effect of what the body is producing. So there is always a risk with the power and supplied quantity of the drug.

On the other hand, Ayurvedic Medicare is based on natural and herbal techniques and supplements, which are 100% side effect free.
Ayurveda does not believe in antidotes and antigens, very rarely those techniques are used, Ayurveda works not to suppress the system of body, but to go to the origin and cure the basic disturbing element. In such treatments there are very low chances of side effect and the benefit of the body is forever. It gives you a complete health treatment, which works on the complete body system so it makes you feel better in your entire body.

If you eat 1 apple a day and one day suddenly eat 3, itll not cause any problem for you, but if you take 2 sleeping pills a day and one day you takes 4, itll be dangerous; most of the supplements of Ayurveda are essence of fruits, vegetables and jadi-booties, which are natures gift to human. Jadi-booties are some of the rarely found wild plants and fruits, which are very effective in some dieses.
In old age, students of Ayurveda were taught the classification of every single kind of plants exits; they used to give long time to find those jadi-booties in jungles, rocks & mountains. In modern age of globalization some of the companies and groups are doing that work collectively, so now it is easy for us to use those techniques, which were once very costly even for the kings.

Ayurveda works in all directions, it not only gives the body what it wants but it prevents harmful supplements. The concept of Parheja, in Ayurveda, is the concept restricting the harmful food and supplements that disturbs the treatment.

Ayurvedic techniques are developed in ashramas of Hindu saints and researchers.
This Medicare is the result of long time, generation-to-generation research work. It is well tasted and well proven in the history of India that is one of the worlds oldest cultures, In modern age, when pollution and effects of intoxications are disturbing the systems of the body and a normal human is getting weaker due to luxurious life; Ayurveda, along with yoga and exercises is the way to have a healthy body and a sound mind.

Taking in to account all the benefits of ayurveda we can expect a rise in the popularity of ayurvedic medicines in the forthcoming year. Surveys have showed that many patients have received positive results from ayurvedic treatment, thus in a few years ayurveda is sure to bring about a revolution in the field of medicines.



The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

What is commonly considered Yoga in the West is in actuality just one of the many paths of Yoga, and is technically called Hatha Yoga. The oldest and most widely used ancient text on the physical practices of Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. This book was composed in 15th century CE by Swami Swatamarama and is derived from older Sanskrit texts, the teachings from well-known teachers and from Swatamarama's own yogic experiences. The main goal of this text is to illuminate the physical disciplines and practices of Hatha Yoga and integrate these with the higher spiritual goals of Raja Yoga (meditation).
Swatamarama begins with explaining the relationship between Hatha Yoga and Raja yoga, informing us that Hatha is a preliminary practice for Raja Yoga. He tells us that obtaining self-control and self-discipline is much easier when we start with the physical and energetic body, verses trying to directly control the mind as in Raja Yoga. Through the mastery of the prana, or energy of the body, we can then easily master the control of the mind and obtain success with Raja Yoga. In verse 1:41 he tells us that when the flow of prana is stabilized through the practices of Hatha Yoga, the breath stops spontaneously and a mindless state naturally arises.

Although Swatamarama’s instructions on how to practice this yoga are quite detailed and a bit dated, Westerners can still apply the most important and relevant points to their practice. Swatamarama tells us that the room where one practices yoga in should be clean, pleasant, comfortable and free from insects and animals. He also details the qualities that bring success in yoga, that cause failure, and also supplies ten rules of conduct and ten personal observances for the beginning yogi to follow. In brief, he tells us that to be successful in the practice of Hatha Yoga we must live a quiet, pure, honest and moderate lifestyle and avoid any excessive behaviors.

The bulk of this text details the techniques of the main practices of Hatha Yoga: Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Shatkarma (internal cleansings), mudra (energy seal), and Bandha (energy locks). After some basic preliminary requirements, Swatamarama makes clear the first stage of Hatha Yoga is Asana, the physical postures that we are most familiar in the West. Asana creates firmness of the body and mind, and diseaselessness and flexibility of the body. It is here where we first learn to control and discipline the body. Swatamarama tells us that once a practice of Asana has been established then Pranayama can be begun. The goal with these breathing exercises is to control the prana and the subtle energies of the body, which in turn can be used to control the mind. Swatamarama tells us that if there is excessive mucus in the body, this will need to be removed using the six purification techniques of Shatkarma. These purifying techniques as well as the Pranayama help to purify the energy channels of the body and allow the prana to move more efficiently through these nadis. Utilizing Mudra and Bandha further activates the energy of the body, concentrates it and channels it into the main energy channel, the sushumna, that runs from the base of the spine to the top of the head and intersects all seven chakras. Mudras are complex movements of the whole body in a combination of asana, pranayama, bandha and visualization. Bandhas are engagements of specific groups of muscles at the base of the pelvis, the abdomen and the throat to “lock” the prana energy of the body inside the torso. Both of these techniques are challenging to master and should only be attempted after one is competent and skilled in both Asana and Pranayama.

At one level, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika details a very similar yoga of what is practiced in the West, while a very different yoga is shown by the intent of the deeper practices described within.
Traditionally, Hatha Yoga is uniquely focused on transforming the physical body through purification and the cultivation of the life force energy of prana. And all of the techniques of Hatha Yoga are seen as preliminary steps to achieving the deeper states of meditation and enlightenment found in the path of Raja Yoga. Considering this, we are only getting a small taste of what yoga can offer us here in the West. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives us a valuable map to these deeper practices of yoga, as well as providing the knowledge and tools to travel to these depths if we so choose.

6 Truths about Ayurveda

6 Truths about Ayurveda
#1 Ayurvedic medicine is less effective.
Truth: It is true that this method of treatment calls for more patience and endurance. The effectiveness can be cited by this example.
Whenever there is a tear in a cloth or a hole in a pitcher, we intend to rectify it using the similar material that it is made of. Similarly any fault in human body also calls to be corrected by use of natural resources, as much as possible.
#2 Ayurvedic medicines are slow in showing results.
Truth: The irony lies with the delay from patients side. Most patients visiting holistic practitioners take their time in trying other systems of medicine so as to derive a faster result. This not only delays the effect of medicine, it also hampers the working of the drug. This is because the patient has either tried much more complicated and powerful combination of drugs, the effect of which needs to be neutralized first. Or in the mean time, his malady has substantially become deep rooted and taken chronic form. It may at times show to work slowly, but as the fable goes slow and steady wins the race.
# 3 Ayurvedic medicine has side effects.

Truth: Any side effect from medicine, of any therapy, may result from the misuse of drug, either in processing or in prescribing. As far as side effect or after effect is concerned, I believe time tested medicines are safer provided the former two factors are precise. The safety of Ayurvedic medicine and mode of treatment may be advocated in 3 pints.
1. In Ayurveda the very first principle in treating a disease is to do away with the basic cause, and also to see that no new ailment emerges as a consequence. A disease is eradicated from its roots. 2. Ayurveda insists that medicine be centered at the patient, than on the disease. The mind, body and soul are considered a tripod and medicine is prescribed for overall health augmentation. 3. Since Ayourvda deals with preparations mainly from herbs and natural resources, it is a harmless therapy with least or no side effects.
#4 Ayurvedic medicines are for older patients.
Truth: There is no known limitation in this form of treatment. It is equally suited to all age groups. Ayurveda could be considered a boon for children when their body system is yet tender and in process of immunity building. The natural products do not interfere with their body resistance and at the same time tends to be more safe and comforting.
#5 Ayurvedic medicines are just an alternative.
Truth: Ayurvedic system of medicine is incorrectly quoted as an alternate therapy as this has always been the most ancient and complete system of medicine. Its been existing before the birth of other medical therapies. The word Ayurveda is itself derived from Ayush which means life and Veda which means science. There fore, Ayurveda is the complete science of life. It is a treasure to provide every individual a life full of health, vigor and vitality.

yoga treatment

(NewsTarget) The developing world sees more deaths from diarrhoea than AIDS, or malaria annually. And yet, many people have been lead to believe these diseases are the true killers in places like Africa. AIDS is a devastating disease, and can take years to slowly kill someone, but a bad case of diarrhoea for a child that is chronically malnourished can kill in days.

According to UNICEF and the World Health Organization, the number of children that die from diarrhoea reaches 2.2 million a year. Malaria kills over one million, 1.1 million children under 15 in Africa are living with HIV, and a total of 4 million in the world for children under 15 are living with the retrovirus. A total of 610,000 deaths from AIDS occur in children annually. These numbers are staggering – but worst of all, a case of diarrhoea can be solved very simply through rehydration. This involves dissolving a sugar based product and salt in water, and giving this to the child.

Granted, the water used to make this mixture must be clean. But cleaning water, thanks to an invention that costs $5 as reported in a previous Newstarget article, can be an inexpensive while saving lives. As reported in a Science Daily article, a simple “biosand” filter, which are concrete containers that hold gravel and sand, have been shown to reduce the cases of diarrhoea by up to 40%. The researchers wanted some verifiable proof that the biosand filters did the job, so they studied a few Dominican Republic villages and came up with very good results which can easily be adopted in many poor countries.

Many health practitioners would not recommend using refined white sugar, and would recommend honey products instead for the rehydration mixture. Dried honey could be substituted in these mixtures giving many additional health benefits, besides rehydrating the child.

Honey has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal properties, and is a natural humectant (attracts and retains moisture). Liquid honey never goes bad when left on the self and can be used topically as an antiseptic. And if that wasn’t enough, daily consumption of honey raises blood levels of protective antioxidant compounds in humans. This is according to research presented at the 227th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, CA, March 28, 2004.

In addition to honey, a high quality sea salt, or rock crystal salt, would increase the health benefit of the rehydration mixture. Halite, or rock sat, is the mineral form of sodium chloride, your typical table salt, usually highly refined and stripped of trace minerals. By adding this high quality salt to the rehydration mixture, these malnourished, dehydrated children, would be getting extra minerals along with the desperately needed electrolytes.

There has been other, natural, advances to help combat deadly, bacteria induced diarrhoea in children. Scienc Daily reports that ginger can be added to the arsenal. An extract of ginger blocked the toxin responsible for diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli), in studies using lab mice by Chien-Yun Hsiang and colleagues.

What can we do to raise awareness of this issue that is the easiest, and yet most deadly, problem for developing world children? Contact the Red Cross, UNICEF, World Health Organization, or your congressman, and spread the word to your friends and family. Many people will wear a pin or bracelet for AIDS, but a simple glass of water, with honey, sea salt and ginger could save more children’s lives this year.

(NewsTarget) The developing world sees more deaths from diarrhoea than AIDS, or malaria annually. And yet, many people have been lead to believe these diseases are the true killers in places like Africa. AIDS is a devastating disease, and can take years to slowly kill someone, but a bad case of diarrhoea for a child that is chronically malnourished can kill in days.

According to UNICEF and the World Health Organization, the number of children that die from diarrhoea reaches 2.2 million a year. Malaria kills over one million, 1.1 million children under 15 in Africa are living with HIV, and a total of 4 million in the world for children under 15 are living with the retrovirus. A total of 610,000 deaths from AIDS occur in children annually. These numbers are staggering – but worst of all, a case of diarrhoea can be solved very simply through rehydration. This involves dissolving a sugar based product and salt in water, and giving this to the child.

Granted, the water used to make this mixture must be clean. But cleaning water, thanks to an invention that costs $5 as reported in a previous Newstarget article, can be an inexpensive while saving lives. As reported in a Science Daily article, a simple “biosand” filter, which are concrete containers that hold gravel and sand, have been shown to reduce the cases of diarrhoea by up to 40%. The researchers wanted some verifiable proof that the biosand filters did the job, so they studied a few Dominican Republic villages and came up with very good results which can easily be adopted in many poor countries.

Many health practitioners would not recommend using refined white sugar, and would recommend honey products instead for the rehydration mixture. Dried honey could be substituted in these mixtures giving many additional health benefits, besides rehydrating the child.

Honey has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal properties, and is a natural humectant (attracts and retains moisture). Liquid honey never goes bad when left on the self and can be used topically as an antiseptic. And if that wasn’t enough, daily consumption of honey raises blood levels of protective antioxidant compounds in humans. This is according to research presented at the 227th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, CA, March 28, 2004.

In addition to honey, a high quality sea salt, or rock crystal salt, would increase the health benefit of the rehydration mixture. Halite, or rock sat, is the mineral form of sodium chloride, your typical table salt, usually highly refined and stripped of trace minerals. By adding this high quality salt to the rehydration mixture, these malnourished, dehydrated children, would be getting extra minerals along with the desperately needed electrolytes.

There has been other, natural, advances to help combat deadly, bacteria induced diarrhoea in children. Scienc Daily reports that ginger can be added to the arsenal. An extract of ginger blocked the toxin responsible for diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli), in studies using lab mice by Chien-Yun Hsiang and colleagues.

What can we do to raise awareness of this issue that is the easiest, and yet most deadly, problem for developing world children? Contact the Red Cross, UNICEF, World Health Organization, or your congressman, and spread the word to your friends and family. Many people will wear a pin or bracelet for AIDS, but a simple glass of water, with honey, sea salt and ginger could save more children’s lives this year.

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